this sounds Japanese for some reason, its completly awesome.
this sounds Japanese for some reason, its completly awesome.
Thanks dude =D
First of all, let me add myself to the "Needs To Be Longer" crowd.
Also, I'd rather have a massive amount of awesomeness after about the first 10 seconds, its awesome, but the monumentum builds up too slowly for a Dance song, and the beggining is completly awesome. its just to low in the "Volume" area...
Also, it makes me think of Kung-Fu Panda for some insane reason... It's probably my psychoticness though....
second song? wow. also mark this inder Trance. because it sounds more like trance music than techno music
Hey Thanks!
This makes me happy in my pants!
uhhh. not really. but its awesome. it's Ska, i like Ska. towrds the end i goes into Heavy metal for some reason? yeah. im not sure, but thats what it sounded like for some insane reason.... Although the suggestion of California made me feel nautous i like the song overall
I agree with Morflathen, this is Megaman material
this is more of a trance/techno song.
but its awesome
magicaly awesome
Magic indeed.
I suppose it's in dance because techno has a more 'videogame-esque' quality to it and trance is much more hypnotic.
This is just very much 'hands-up' techno.
this is just great, the singing and the music was awesomely done
holy shit.
i have to agree with the guy below me
this is fantastical
and magical
this is better than the last one, it has more varitey and stuff
Thanky ^_^
i dont really like postin useless comments like this, but...
holy fuck, this is awesome
glad you liked it! Thanks for the review!